Shows promise but can be frustrating at times
While i did think that this was a fun game, I must sadly admit that I could not beat it. Now while i would normaly never judge a game on whether or not i could beat it, i found at a point this game just reached a point where progress was seemingly impossible. I have the string with the tape, the two keys, the barcode reader, the level is in the slot, and ive seen everything i can find in the closet.
I realize there are paperclips everywhere, and it seems you have to look for these. But i cannot click to collect them. The tape and string cannot be selected as a tool. There are just many things that seem like they should be targets but do nothing.
Perhaps my computer is broken, perhaps there is just a glitch. In any case, the occasional hint, or perhaps a walkthrough, would be very very helpful for those of us unable to make it through as easily.
Add some music or something as well, just a soft background track can really add to a game. Some sound effects as well would help. Still though, good game that shows promise.